Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 10 - Love is Unconditional

Do something out of the ordinary today for your spouse. Demonstrate love to him for the sheer joy of being their partner in marriage.

Last week when I was doing my daily sweep after dinner my husband said, "When are you going to mop this floor?" I gave him a dirty look and said, "When are you going to bring up the laundry." I pile up laundry in baskets at the bottom of the stairs and his job is to carry them upstairs. Most nights he just steps over it. I hate when he tells me to do something. I'm not his maid.

So today I figured I'd mop the floor since I hate doing it. Well, he comes home in the middle of me doing it and he says, "Why can't you mop when they are in bed or before you go to sleep?" What! Why would I want to clean when I'm so tired? I'm just fuming mad now.

I also cooked Chicken Parm (his favorite meal) for him and he hasn't even eaten it yet as he stormed out of the room because I was doing the floor. I also called his mother to see if she could watch the kids for our anniversary so we could go out to dinner.

I also had a bad day with my son today. He on numerous occasions said, "Mommy I want you to die." So hurtful. I sit here crying wondering if he really meant it? My youngest daughter also copied him and said it to me when I told her she couldn't play with some toy. How do I deal with all this hatred in my house?

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