Friday, May 22, 2009

40 Day Love Dare - Fireproof

I finally got a chance to watch the movie "Fireproof" that was recommended by Joyce from my MOPS group. I have had it since it was released from Netflix but never had the chance to watch it until tonight. Unfortunately, my husband refused to watch it saying it was a chick flick. While watching the movie I thought about my own marriage. No, we don't fight but we do have some issues about him not helping out. I know that will never change but I can always change the way I think about it and react to it. I just downloaded the book, "40 Day Love Dare". I plan to take the journey and see if things improve. It couldn't hurt but only help.

Now, these three remain:
Faith, Hope and Love
But the greatest of these is LOVE.
1 Corinthians 13:13

And so my journey will begin tomorrow with Day 1.

This is my photo of the day for project 365. It's a photo of me and my husband taken back in June 1995.

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