Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 4 - Love is Thoughtful

Contact your spouse sometime during the day to see how he's doing and if there is anything you can do for him.

Well, my husband is working today. So I have to rely on my cell phone to text him. Since I ran out of the house without saying goodbye as I was running late for the MOPs meeting I text him the following: "Have a great day. Love you. Kiss Kiss". His response was, "You too Lover xoxoxo." Later in the day I text him again, "Going to shoprite do you want anything?" I always tell him when I'm going food shopping as he always has a list of items he wants me to pick up for him.

We normally use our cell phone to text each other during the day. Some days we will get dirty and send love notes back and forth. It always leads to sex in the evening. Today wasn't one of those days though. He came home a little stressed from work and has a conference call to deal with as well.

I'm exhausted it's time for bed.

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